Saturday, September 7, 2013

James Van Campen / Miller Farm

So apparently I jinxed myself in a good way when I wrote about my computer dying and losing all my files, because I was able to start up my old computer and get my files! So now I have extra pictures to add to this entry on the James Van Campen farm, also known as the Miller Farmhouse. I actually had been calling it the Miller Van Campen farm until I did some research and found out otherwise.

Last June, we went to go see the James Van Campen farmhouse, a 200+ year old historic site here in the park. But apparently we were too late; somebody burnt it down a month before we got there.

 A charred foundation and old police tape were all that was left of the old house. Maybe someone's hobo fire got out of control? Houses in the park do suffer from the occasional arsonist, but the interesting part is that there were three other barns on the property that were unaffected.

Note the awesome rooster.

Me, a year ago. Life was so much simpler way back then. 

When we went back last weekend, the foundation to the house was COMPLETELY overgrown. Like "shrubbery taller than me" overgrown. And someone stole the wooden rooster that was on one of the barns, which really pisses me off. 

So many broken windows. The window I took that self-portrait in last year was also broken, by the way.

 Next up: BB Van Campen.

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