Sunday, September 8, 2013

B.B. Van Campen farm

 Most of the families who lived in this area seemed to love dividing and bequeathing land to their children, brothers, and nephews. A hop, skip and jump away from the James Van Campen farmstead is Benjamin B. Van Campen's farmstead.This section of property had been inherited from Moses Van Campen

Side note: looking up information about these sites sends me down the rabbit hole of internet information

Anyway, the pictures from last year have the blue sky, while the pictures from last weekend have a white sky.

One distinguishing factor of the B.B. Van Campen house is the slate siding on one side. I'm not sure what the appeal would be (and I'm sure it cost an arm and a leg), but it's pretty cool.

 There are so many  barns, sheds, and structures here that you could spend all day wandering around. Barns not your thing? There is also a pond behind one of the barns.

Usually the only time I drive all the way out to these places is while leading a photography group around, so I don't have a ton of time to wander at my own leisure. And I'd rather spend my free time exploring new places!

 Next: Sunflowers. And then I'll finally be caught up.

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