Thursday, May 2, 2013

My wild hike at Obed

Here I am at Starbucks again (a different one this time). I wasn't really planning on re-entering civilization until tomorrow, but I needed to book a hotel and gather information for our side trip to Mammoth Cave tomorrow. After six nights of sleeping on the ground in a tent, a bed at Super 8 sounds pretty appealing.

This morning I decided to go hiking at Obed Wild and Scenic River. The park seems geared towards rock climbers and paddlers, but they had a trail called the Point Trail that looked interesting, so I went on my way.

When I had almost reached the "point" of the Point Trail, I was walking along a sunny plateau and a giant SNAKE slithered across the trail two feet in front of me! I was just like, "Nope! I'm done," and turned around. I like to imagine myself as an outdoorsy person, like Walt Whitman or John Muir, but when I see a snake I become that woman in The Parent Trap who sucks at camping.

Still, I got a nice hike in and took some pretty pictures.

Obed River. I wish I could have captured how turquoise the water was.

This pine tree is standing on that rock like he owns the place. 

Follow the arrow!

heart rock

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