Wednesday, April 9, 2014

house and barn in NJ side of the park

Sometimes I forget that I have this blog. Other times, I remember but don't have anything to post.

On Sunday we went to an old house and barn on the New Jersey side of the DWGNRA. I don't actually have much information on these structures except that they used to be residences. I'm not even sure if I could find them again on my own; they were hidden at the end of a long, overgrown road.

A few crocuses peeking out from the dead grass.


The barns.

 Apparently the people who used to live here used one of the barns as a haunted house. Or at least, that's what I hope all these decorations are for.

The other barn.


 To be honest, I didn't take too many pictures during this trip. Hopefully I'll post more as the weather improves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cool place to stumble upon!
    Great pics, & love the colors.
    It makes one wonder who lived there, why it's abandoned, etc.
    Keep on postin', love your pics ☺
