My birthday isn't a big deal to me. Except that it is and I try to pretend that it isn't. That's what adults are supposed to do, right?
This year my birthday fell on a weekend, which is even worse. Weekend birthdays are horrible because they present so many possibilities yet nothing fun ever actually happens. So this year I tried to make plans by telling Allison months before that I wanted to go somewhere. But, as always, she forgot to take time off and ended up working this weekend.
Well, in any case, I planned to make today a laid-back, relaxing day. Unfortunately, life had other plans.
Allison asked me to pick up some basketballs for PEEC at Walmart. This should have been a ten minute task, yet through a series of escalating circumstances I was in that horrible store for over an hour. I will never recommend Walmart's site-to-store service, especially if you have a tax exempt form. As I type this post, my car is filled with twelve larger-than-necessary cardboard boxes, each of which contains one basketball surrounded by bubble wrap.
As a result of the basketball nonsense, I wasn't able to buy any groceries because there was no room in my car and I was already late for the only appointment I made today, to give blood.
Luckily, the staff in the Bloodmobile were understanding and there was still time for me to donate. Bloodmobiles appeal to me because the name reminds me of the Batmobile. Donating blood is probably the closest I will ever get to Batman.
I was the last donor of the day. The nurse who took care of me was a sassy old lady with a New Jersey accent and a cynical laugh. I learned that her son-in-law is a jerk ("Even his five-year-old daughter hates him!"), her whole family is going to Yellowstone this summer, and she wishes the Bloodmobile had those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to get rid of the scuff marks from people's shoes.
Oh, and apparently losing a pint of blood in five minutes is an impressive feat. The entire donation process took less than 20 minutes, and the nurse told me I was "an ideal donor." I guess I'm really talented at giving blood.
Donating blood is a weird compulsion for me - if I am presented with the opportunity to give blood, I always sign up. It just feels like there is a lot of karma involved, especially because my blood type is O positive. Giving blood is my personal way of thanking the universe for my own good health thus far in life. This weekend it feels especially full-circle; I am celebrating another year of my life by helping someone else extend theirs.
Tomorrow is my actual birthday. I don't have any plans at this point, but as long as someone else takes those basketballs out of my car, I'll be happy.